[Interview] How Samsung Electronics Achieved Industry First Pantone Validated Recognition for HDR Displays

on May 25, 2022
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Samsung Electronics’ all new 2022 QLED TV models have become the world’s first Pantone Validated™ HDR displays for Pantone Matching System (PMS) and Pantone SkinTone colors. Pantone is the foremost authority in the global color industry and more than 10 million designers and producers around the world rely on Pantone products and services to help define, communicate and control color from inspiration to realization.


The recognition, a first for any global TV manufacturer, was awarded to Samsung QLED TVs for their true color expression of over 2,000 Pantone colors, as well as and newly added 110 skin tone shades.


Samsung Newsroom spoke to Ed Hattenberger, Senior Technical Product Manager at Pantone, who has accumulated over 20 years of experience in the color industry and manages the Pantone Validated program.


△ Ed Hattenberger, Senior Technical Product Manager at Pantone



Q. What is your current role and what does it entail?


A. As a senior technical product manager, I use my knowledge of color to help companies realize their creative vision from design and specification through to final production. I also lead the innovation of various digital color products at Pantone, including Pantone Validated, our patent-pending color testing process for displays and printers that ensures products can simulate the full range of Pantone Colors and skin tones and in doing so meet Pantone’s exacting criteria.



Q. Why is accurate color reproduction so important for consumer TVs and how did the Pantone Validated program set out to improve this?


A. Today’s consumers want brands that represent equality, inclusivity and authenticity, and true color fidelity from their viewing experience plays an essential role. Regardless of the medium — physical or digital — consumers seek out and invest in products that reflect this. Pantone Validated provides an added layer of confidence to the consumer that the colors and skin tones seen on a screen are authentically reproduced according to the definitions found in Pantone Color and SkinTone guides and related Pantone Validated processes.



“During our measurement testing, we found that Samsung’s Quantum Dot technology provides the full range of colors even at peak brightness.”



Q. To readers not familiar with Pantone Validated, what does the achievement of this approval signify? Can you tell us in simple terms the standards a display has to meet? Why should consumers look out for the Pantone Validated check mark when purchasing their Samsung product?


A. The Pantone Validated logo signifies that a product, such as a Samsung HDR TV or Display, meets Pantone’s rigorous testing and calibration requirements for reproducing real world Pantone Colors and skin tones with a high level of color fidelity. Our Pantone Validated process was created by color scientists and technicians at Pantone with decades of color experience. It uses a stringent, patent-pending testing process that leverages advanced X‑Rite and Pantone color management technology. Over the past decade, we have tested and qualified hundreds of consumer and professional color devices from leading manufacturers worldwide.




Q. Samsung has received two awards Pantone Validated and Pantone SkinTone Validated. Can you briefly describe what Pantone SkinTone Validated means to consumers and how it is different from Pantone Validated?


A. Pantone Validated uses the universally recognized Pantone Matching System (PMS) digital library and objectively tests more than 2000+ Pantone colors. For Samsung, we tested the PMS colors in High Dynamic Range (HDR) mode for maximum color rendering capabilities.


Pantone SkinTone Validated is an extension of the Pantone Validated program and tests color reproduction based on 110 unique skin tones, all of which can be found in the Pantone SkinTone Guide. This guide is the first scientifically based guide integrating the physical measurements of thousands of actual skin tones from the full spectrum of ethnicities, geographical zones and ages.


Pantone SkinTone Validated ensures that tested models from leading TV and display companies can accurately represent the world’s palette of skin tones. This helps brands demonstrate to consumers that their products and technology are more inclusive than ever.




Q. In your experience with Samsung TVs, what stands out to you about the Pantone Validated qualifications these models have received? Can you tell us any interesting facts or data points that demonstrate how Samsung TVs received Pantone Validated approval?


A. Samsung is the world’s first HDR TV and Display manufacturer to participate in and receive Pantone Validated and Pantone SkinTone Validated. This is a testament to Samsung’s commitment to being a market leader. Their confidence in adopting Pantone Validated is steadfast proof of their desire to deliver world-class TV and display products.



Q. Samsung’s Quantum Dot technology is all about color. Instead of producing standard blues and reds, it displays highly specific blues and reds, providing an intense level of accuracy in color reproduction. What role do you think this has played in achieving Pantone Validated?


A. During our measurement testing, we found that Samsung’s Quantum Dot technology provides the full range of colors even at peak brightness. Because the Pantone SkinTone Validated testing process is extremely meticulous, it will quickly call out any deviation from its target Pantone SkinTone Colors at a variety of brightness levels. Samsung’s HDR and Quantum Dot technology and related capabilities enable these televisions to achieve and maintain the color fidelity requirements to become Pantone SkinTone Validated.




“Samsung is the world’s first HDR TV and Display manufacturer to participate in and receive Pantone Validated and Pantone SkinTone Validated. This is a testament to Samsung’s commitment to being a market leader.”



 Q. What do you believe is in store for the future of Pantone?


A. Pantone remains committed to color communication and inspiration. We are working on solutions that help brands and creators bridge the digital and physical worlds and ensure a consistent customer experience — in person, on a screen or in the meta. We will continue to develop innovative digital products that support today’s digital content workflows. Together with products and technology from X-Rite, Pantone solutions can help realize the creative intent in the final form of any brand’s product.

Products > TVs & Displays

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